A lifetime ago I worked in a small office in Soho and it was rumored that Leo DiCaprio owned the loft above us. I was certain our paths would cross but I never, ever saw him. Even if I had, it's a NYer point of pride to act as if a chance celebrity sighting is NBD. Any time I've broken that rule it's been mortifying. Better to ignore them lol.

I inhaled all of the LoTR books back-to-back-back one summer but never got around to the Silmarillion. I suppose I ought to already. And at the moment, I'm not much up for Dragons and Rings. TBH after they offed Ned Stark I couldn't go back to GoT, I'm sill mad, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Thank you for the read. The writing flowed and it felt like a good visit with a friend. Except now I know that visit won't occur over breakfast but later in the day - maybe brunch 😁

Also, I love that you include what you're listening to, I really need to go back and discover new-to-me musicians. And sergeant is adorable!

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I feel it's such an aphrodisiac when celebrities get treated like one of us. On the other hand, it must feel anxious for them when, if they've been treated like normal folks for a long period of time, their fame hasn't affected us at all!

And Soho! The word conjures up such romance for me! Let me indulge in my imaginings for a little bit ^^ I wish to travel so badly!

And speaking of getting sucked into imagination, the Tolkien book I love the most is The Two Towers, at a particular chapter when Faramir and Frodo conversed. I don't think any book had that effect on me. Nothing mattered. Absolutely nothing existed. I actually escaped reality when I was reading that chapter, at those brief moments.

I hope you get back on the Game Of Thrones ride. I'm sure you've heard the awful reviews that went worse as the seasons progressed but ultimately it is a wonderful show. But I've sort of made a promise not to go back to past shows anymore. Just focus on everything 2020 and after. There's just too much shows! I don't know how to filter them.

Thank you always for the kind words. And thank you for noticing the music I listen to! It's a very old blog technique, right? Include bits and pieces of daily life before getting on to your main topic post.


There's a new update on the kitten for the next post. Main point: she's gone back to her mama. Bittersweet but all for the best I believe.

All the Best!

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